Home, sweet home!

This is the view from the roof of my apartment building. I have to say - it's crazy loud and and never ever completely dark: I LOVE IT!! The energy is phenomenal, and I can walk to nearly every audition! I work hard every day looking for a survival gig, along with my auditions and work on chasing my theatrical dreams, because I'd REALLY love to stay here and not have to move at the end of my lease! I am getting better and better at cultivating patience...not beating myself up if I can't accomplish everything on my daily list...taking time to breathe and meditate...to do good things FOR MYSELF so that I have the energy I need when I need it.Today, I made some well-needed scratch at a photo shoot, and the rest of the day I'll be focusing on my health (Physical therapy for my knee, and then a nice walk...maybe down by the river!) TONIGHT: I get to go see my favorite musician, Jackson Browne, at the Beacon Theater!! Finding joy, even when hanging on my own...an essential quality to possess.