Hello, World!
A blog? Really?Why, and to what effect? Well, if anything...out of the entire social media maelstrom that seems to be a necessary component in marketing one's self...much less staying in touch with far-scattered friends and family...I'm hoping this blog will provide me with a potentially more private place to vent, to question, to share thoughts and concepts. More easily controllable - I can vent privately and open other posts more publicly. So...it's for me.
I started my Third Act on 11/11/11, when I drove out of my Florida driveway at 5:15am, left Starbucks at 6:16am, and observed time prompts nearly hourly the rest of the day and up through my final load upstairs into my first sublet at 5:15pm on 11/13/11. Auspicious. Deliciously so.I love living in NYC. The energy. The arts. The music. The food. The acceptance of a certain level of crazy. And yet, in the midst of this crazy...I have found myself able to give in easily to daily time spent in meditation, opening my heart to possibilities. It's been a long time coming. Welcome back, Paula.